Cuma Şubat 28, 2025

Call by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Turkey (Marxist-Leninist)

December 19th 2000: Never forget! Never forgive! Turkey

Fourteen years ago today Turkish military and police carried out "Operation
Return to Life" to impose the F-type isolation regime against revolutionary
prisoners on hunger strike. Thirty were killed

Carry the Death-fast Resistance to Victory!-December 2000

Call by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Turkey

The process we are now in clearly shows that the crisis of the comprador
bourgeoisie and big landlords is growing deep, both politically and
economically. The ruling classes are putting the financial cost for their
crisis.onto the backs of the workers, peasants and other oppressed people.
The state wants to smash the resistance of the democratic demands of the
Kurdish nation and other minorities and to attack the democratic demands of
the workers, peasants and students.

The fascist Turkish state also attacked the communists and revolutionaries
who are between the four walls of the prisons, wantingto capture them not
only physically but also ideologically and politically. There are more
bloody attacks on the political prisoners now than ever in the past. For
this reason they have put forward the "F- type" prisons.

As a result of this policy of the fascist Turkish state, in the-prisons the
TKP(ML), DHKPC and TKIP political prisoners have put their bodies into the
death-fast and have started a glorious resistance. Their belief in
revolution is leading their spirit of resistance, and our Party, the
TKP(ML), is certain that the communist and revolutionary prisoners will win.
The political prisoners, who are freedom's sun in the prisons, quickly
mobilised their families. Revolutionary resistance against the state has had
a big impact on the oppressed masses in a very short time, and has brought
people into the streets to protest and fight against the state in cities
across Turkey.

The Turkish state has tried different manoeuvres in an unsuccessful attempt
to pacify.the masses, but the oppressed masses, communists and.
revolutionaries have been writing history with their blood. Our Party, the
TKP(ML), has saluted the communists and revolutionaries' resistance with
practical actions. In Karadeniz (Black Sea area), in Dersim (Kurdistan), in
Marmara (Istanbul area), and abroad the Party has mobilized all its
supporters and other masses in order to unite with the straggle of. the
communist and revolutionary prisoners, and the Party has played a crucial.
role in this struggle everywhere.

In every corner of the world, waves of revolution are developing and rising.
This new wave is scaring the imperialists and the reactionary ruling class.
This struggle in Turkey is part of this new wave. With the support of
imperialism, in September 1992, Chairman Gonzalo (leader of the Communist
Party of Peru) was captured by Peru's Fujimori regime. But imperialism and
reaction couldn't stop the People's War in Peru. As Gonzalo himself said on
24 September 1992 in his speech from the cage, this is just a "bend in the
road" of the People's War.

Just as the Fujimori regime in Peru has isolated Chairman Gonzalo, the
fascist Turkish state wants to isolate the communist and revolutionary
political prisoners in Turkey. As Maoists the task today is to fight against
collaboration and capitulation wherever we are, in the process ofbuilding
people's democracy, socialism and communism, and smashing imperialism and
the reactionary ruling class.

Long Live the Death-fast Resistance!

Long Live People's War!

Glory to Our Party TKP(ML), Our Army TIKKO and Our Youth Organisation TMLGB