Cuma Eylül 20, 2024

To CC of Communist Party of Phillipines

Proletarians of all countries, unite!


Dear Comrades

This 26th December 2013, the Revolutionary Front of the Defense of People's Rights-Brazil (FRDDP-Brazil) to send red greetings to the Central Committee of Communist Party of Phlippines/CPP for the celebration of 45 years of your organization. We warmly greet your leaders, cadres and other militants, as well as the masses run and organized by the Party fighting heroically for New Democracy Revolution and the communism. We greet the New People's Army, commands and red combatants, especially its glorious and unforgettable martyrs. We greet also the National Democratic Front, all masses and  national minorities mobilized and organized against imperialism and the local ruling classes.

For decades, persisting on the revolutionary way of people's war, the CPP became a recognized vanguard of the Philippine proletariat and an advanced detachment of the international proletariat.

With joy, we greet the big victories of the New People's Army under the firm direction of CPP  - which has given proof of heroism and sacrifices, defeating the successive genocidal campaigns, as the current "Oplan Bayanihan", supported and financed for US -  through correct and successives Offensive Tactics; conquering big victories for the people and the revolution and propeling the people's war according to the goal and plans of CPP to advance to the stage of strategic balance; converting, more and more, the NPA in a poweful People's Army - spine of the new red power that is growing up with the support of masses.

After 45 years of organization of CPP, the ideas of founders that took on the shining path of Revolution becoming reality with the big victories in the social and national liberation struggles won by the New Democracy Revolution. The People's War directed by the CPP is one torch that lights the way and propel the national liberation struggles in opressed countries and for opressed masses on the world, converting all the subcontinent in one of the most advanced trenchs of proletarian revolution on the world. Those victories are crowned by the auspicious plan for achieve the strategic balance called upon for the CC of CPP in occasion of 43 birthday of NPA.


The flames launched from the trench of People's War in Philippines, India, Peru and Turkey are setting fire, more and more, to the heart of youth and masses all over the world. Following those examples, the new generations of international proletariat are struggling to forje the tools of revolution in their own countries. Every achievements are great victories of proletariat which are opening bright prospects for the proletarian revolution on the world.


In 2013, in the biggest cities in Brazil, the Brazilian people rose in great waves of protests. Those big popular rebelions in the cities - with the efforts and hard work of maoists and other Brazilian revolutionaries - have united with the struggle for land that the poor peasants are developing against the landlordism through the Agrarian Revolution and the development of a strong and growing revolutionary movement on the countryside. All those struggles are part of New Democracy Revolution in our country, confronting the old reactionary State of big burgeoise and landlords, servants of imperialism, mainly Iankee imperialism; and against the current oportunist manegement of the parties like PT/PMDB/PSB, and supported by the revisionist PCdoB (Communist Party of Brazil) led by Amazonas/Rabelo, and all the reaction. The maoists and others Brazilian revolutionaries are working hard to pass to a new stage.


The New Democracy Revolution in Philippines and the CPP's experience are one great source of inspiration for the Brazilian revolutionaries and have showed the masses the path to be follwed in our country to the struggle for social and nacional liberation and the protacted People's War.


Hold high the flag of CPP in his 45 birthday!


Long Live 45 years of reorganization of  CPP!

Long Live 120 years of birthday of Chairman Mao Tsetung!

Down the revisionism! Long Live the Marxism-Leninism-Maoism!

Down the imperialist war! Long Live the People's War!

Long Live the People's War in Philippines!



Brazil, 26th December 2013

Revolutionary Front of Defense of People's Rights